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We asked, you answered. #waya This is the report you wrote.

Question: What is white people’s role in ending white supremacy?

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 17, 2022

Winchester, MA – The Dock C. Bracy Center for Human Reconciliation today published the first We asked, you answered (#waya) report. The Center asked the question: What is white people's role in ending white supremacy? Between June 1, 2022 and July 28, 2022, 97 anonymous entries were received. This report examines the entries for emerging themes and proposed actions.

“When a problem is complex and woven into the fabric of society like white supremacy ideology it’s important that many perspectives of both the issue and possible solutions are explored.
Hopefully, this report will prompt you, if you haven’t already, to join us in this critically important work of creating a path to our shared vision.” – Paul S. Bracy, Founder & President

We encourage the reader to review the unedited entries received and draw their own conclusions.

About the Dock C. Bracy Center for Human Reconciliation

The Dock C. Bracy Center is committed to human reconciliation and the eradication of racism and other forms of human oppression. Our work focuses on healing the internal emotional and cognitive harms that have allowed racism to continue to thrive in our society. We support the efforts of many other groups and individuals by providing opportunities for learning and self-reflection so that strategies to eradicate racism can become more successful. Additional information about the Center can be found by visiting the website and by following @dcbcenter.

Dock C. Bracy Center for Human Reconciliation



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